The complete idiot's guide to sending me free stuff

Need exposure?
Of course you do. What's the use of making brilliant music and not telling the world about it?
You know what? A review on Here Comes The Flood is a good starting point for your future world domination.

Facts, figures and such. For free! Get one while supplies last.
You, budding artist, overpaid PR honcho, stressed out intern or whatever, want to send me something. Me, big time music blogger, will teach you.
Sending me free stuff
Albums? Concert tix? T-Shirts? Red Carpet treatment? For me? Yes? You're too kind. Contact me. I might get back to you. Mind you, I prefer CDs. And vinyl is even cooler. A cassette is fine too. Digital is an option, but I really like the physical stuff. Kick ass audio set-up, you know.
Do not forget to tell me what your band sounds like. Words like "awesome" or "cool' won't do the trick.
Styles covered
Anything with a pulse, so: Americana, folk, heavy metal,
dance, funk, jazz, country, punk, bluegrass, rockabilly, new wave, blues, rock, noise, surf, shoegaze, electronica,
avant-garde, pop, jam bands, (neo)-classical, Krautrock, experimental, industrial, vaudeville, singer-songwriters... The ability
to play the music in a live setting is considered to be a big plus.
No reggae or modern day R&B, no fucking Auto-Tune. Tried it, hated it.
What I really like? Have a look at these lists:
- Best of 2024
- Best of 2022
- Best of 2021
- Best of 2020
- Best of 2019
- Best of 2018
- Best of 2017
- Best of 2016
- Best of 2015
So if I tell you about my music, you will write about it?
Well, I might. With dozens of artists knocking on HCTF's virtual door every day changes are that there won't be a review, a short write-up or whatever. I might not even bother to reply. Don't be offended, your music will be heard, but somewhere else. When you got as far as sending me an actual album there will be a review. And you'll be notified when it's up. Unsolicited albums who made it to my house somehow - of which there are plenty - might get lucky as well.
When I've decided to hate your album and tell the world it sucks, don't whine. Bad reviews are a part of life. Factual errors however - I'm only human - will be corrected.
Want to send me some MP3s?
Seriously, I hate it when someone clogs up my inbox with unsolicited files. Point me to them on the interwebs and make 'em available for streaming and downloading.
Minimum bitrate: 320kbps (no exceptions). Please tag your songs properly. I don't have time to wade through tons of files all named "unknown artist - track xx".
I can handle FLAC (tagged!) and WAV (not that great, because of the limited tagging possibilities) as well.
Please read this too
In order to "pimp" the review HCTF needs:
- A link to your website, socials and such.
- The line-up of your band (who plays what).
- Some decent digital photos, including the cover art of the album/EP/single.
- Permission to include at least one MP3 of a complete song to go with the review. My pick preferably. It will be listed automagically on the Hype Machine. HCTF is listed as an original blogger on that site. That's because this blog has been around so long.
- And a list of forthcoming live dates if any.
Avoid this
Don't call me dude, guy, brah, friend or some such when you contact me about the possibility of a review. I don't know you. There is only one real dude and that's not you.
Please consult Avoid This: How to make sure you won't get a review.
Where's your address for sending you stuff?
Will be supplied to you after I have contacted you. I like some privacy, old fashioned I know. O, and mark your parcel as a gift. I don't want to get hit by a customs charge.
No comment option on this page. There's no point, you see.